Saturday, February 27, 2016

Fit Yummy Mummy

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The Truth About Fat Loss For Busy Moms

Yes, for the first time ever you can…
  • checkmark Burn the Lingering “Baby Fat” Once And For All
  • checkmark Fit Into Your Skinny Jeans
  • checkmark Melt Your Muffin Top
  • checkmark Tighten Your Trouble Spots
And you will do it in just 15 minutes a workout.

Discover the 15-minute workout secret for moms!
From the Desk of Holly Rigsby
Busy Mom Fat Loss Expert
February 27, 2014
Dear Busy Mom,
Have you ever wondered why you couldn’t shrink the mommy belly no matter what diets or ab workouts you tried?
How many times have you started and stopped a workout plan because it’s just too hard to stick to with your busy lifestyle?
Do you feel like you have tried just about every “sculpt & tone” workout around with little success only to end up feeling exhausted and unmotivated?
How about those hour-long, over-the-top, don’t-stop-until-you-puke workouts that leave you feeling constantly sore, making daily tasks just about unbearable?

If you are shouting out the answers to these questions and are looking for a change, a fresh approach to getting better-body results, then what you’re about to read will not only change your body…
but also completely change your life!

Fit Yummy Mummy is a unique fitness plan that is designed to elevate your metabolism for increased fat loss and true body-shaping results and is presented in a way that makes it doablefor a Busy Mom’s lifestyle.

How exciting is it to know that you are just weeks away from achieving amazing, better-body results?!?!

Speaking of results, did you know…

Over 98% Of Fat Loss Programs Fail…
And NO, It’s Not Your Fault!

It’s amazing but true. Almost every fat loss “solution” on the market sets you up for failure.
That’s why in the US, in spite of new gyms popping up on every corner, supposedly “healthy” foods taking over the supermarkets shelves, and new “miracle fat loss” supplements being released almost daily, we keep getting fatter.
It’s no secret that most women who join a gym, start a diet, or begin an exercise program fail to achieve their goals.
But did you realize that the failure rate was a whopping 98%?
The truth is the majority of workout programs or fad diets do not take into account the specific challenges you face as a Busy Mom. Not only does this mean they aren’t the right solution for you, but they are actually taking you even further off track with empty promises, unrealistic expectations, and rigid demands, perpetuating the cycle of failure.
This is why you haven’t been able to lose the mommy belly no matter how many hours of exercise you completed each week nor how hard you’ve tried to implement and stick to a weight-loss nutrition plan. You are putting your efforts into an ineffective plan—but that all changes TODAY!

I Have Thrilling News For You…

The Struggle Ends Today!
On this very page, I’m about to reveal to you where you’ve been led astray in your fat loss efforts, then provide you facts about what it takes to get results, and finally reveal the only fat loss system specifically designed for Busy Moms so that you can get in the best shape of your life in just 15 minutes a workout.
Achieving true, body-shaping results requires your willingness to do something different, to accept the challenge of new workouts, and to make the commitment to see this plan through.
Three limited time bonuses
Three FREE GIFTS When You Order Today
To accelerate your results and give you the incentive to start NOW, I will give you access to this Limited Time Offer Bonus Package.

Bonus #1: Deluxe VIDEO Upgrade

FYM Deluxe
The Deluxe VIDEO Upgrade package includes ALL full, 15-minute follow-along workout videos for each phase of the FYM Workout Program; that’s 28 weeks’ worth of workouts! To ensure that you get the coaching and motivation you need for every workout, this Deluxe Video Package Upgrade is included as a gift for getting started today.
($59 Value)

Bonus #2: Meal Plans For Moms

Meal Plans for Moms
What and How you Eat accounts for 75% of your results. I will help you Kick start your Body-Shaping Goals with 30 Days’ worth of done-for-you, easy-to-follow “Meal Plans For Moms.” This 30-Day Meal Plan Blueprint is designed to help you ramp up your fat loss progress and build momentum with super simple recipes and ready-to-go grocery shopping lists. My Gift to You! ($39 Value)

Bonus #3: UnZap Yourself Video

FYM UnZap Video
Achieving amazing body-shaping results takes more than just knowing how to do the right workouts and cleaning up your eating habits. It requires your Energy and Your Time, which are the Two Biggest Transformation Obstacles for Busy Moms. In the “UnZap Yourself” Video, I will teach you exactly how to tap into your endless sources of energy and how to effectively manage your time so you are able to get on the fast track to results. ($49 Value)

For taking action and getting started with The Fit Yummy Mummy Fat Loss System TODAY, I’m going to GIVE you all 3 of these incredible body shaping bonuses as a FREE gift.
You've Been Misled
As you may well know at this point, there is no shortage of people and products promising to help you lose weight and get in shape—and almost all of them are leading you astray.
The health clubs promise that you can come on in, take their classes, use their cardio equipment, and lose all the weight you want, but it just doesn’t work. Only about 14% of the people who have a health club membership use it regularly; the majority stop going because they are NOT getting results.
And every few months there is a new “magic pill” that comes from some exotic plant in a far off land that is finally going to make melting those unwanted pounds as easy as taking a daily vitamin—no need to change ANYTHING about the way you eat, exercise, or take care of yourself.

Here’s a Promise you can believe in:

I can promise you that there is not a pill available that will give you the body you want—and if there ever were, do you think that the big pharmaceutical companies would let some internet website be the one to share it with you?
Then there are the workout plans that you are finding online—almost always created by men. While I’d never dispute that many of these fitness professionals know plenty about exercise, they really don’t know much about YOU. They may mean well, but a workout plan for a 25-year-old man who has the flexibility to go to the gym is completely irrelevant to you.
The Truth About Fat Loss For Busy Moms
Let’s get honest here…

Your time is valuable.

You don’t have time for long, boring, energy-zapping cardio.
You don’t have hours to spend inside a gym week in and week out.
And your time is simply too precious to spend searching for the perfect workout.
The time of scouring social media or YouTube for the newest trend, testing out this program and that, has come to an end. There is no longer a reason to perpetuate the frustration experienced as you eventually come to find that such programs were poorly designed, not accounting for your busy lifestyle.
As a Busy Mom, you need a simple, straightforward solution that will give you better-body results in the time you have. You need a program that adapts to your busy life instead of you always trying to fit your life into that particular program.
So you are here because you are ready to lose the baby weight, melt the mommy belly, and reclaim your energy—plus the thought of getting an even better body after baby makes it even more exciting!
But you simply do not have the time for dead-end plans or hours of workouts week in and week out, so how can you possibly get a better body after having a baby?
The FitYummyMummy Solution
If you are at the point of losing all hope, convinced that your metabolism is shot, about to give in to the belief that getting in shape after having a baby while trying to be all and do it all was impossible, stop yourself right there!
Let’s have a quick pep talk.
Nothing is impossible.
In fact, the word itself says “I’m Possible”
A motivating quote by Audrey Hepburn.
Falling for the self-defeating thoughts that your body will never be the same—why even try—is simply not true. I know, I’ve been there—twice over.
Looking into the eyes of your baby has a much different effect than looking at the image of your body after baby in the mirror: You simply no longer recognize your body, and it is very easy to get down on yourself as a result.
This is a completely natural response, but the key is to come to an understanding that this is temporary.
Your body spent a good 9 months transforming to give the gift of life. After this experience, you have a new appreciation for your body and all it can do. It absolutely IS possible not only to shed the baby weight, but also to get an even better body in the process.


 As a Busy Mom, you need a fat loss plan that is specifically designed for YOU.

One that takes into account what your body has been through:
The hormonal changes
The “reshaping” that came along with carrying a baby
The weight gain
The energy demands
And this fat loss plan has to work with your current schedule and lifestyle:
Fitting into the time you DO have
No gym membership or fancy equipment required
A realistic approach to eating that you can follow
And that’s exactly what the Fit Yummy Mummy Fat Loss System will give to you—and then some!

Why Should You Believe Me?

Fabulous question!
If you are a bit skeptical and wondering why you should even consider listening to me—and how The Fit Yummy Mummy Fat Loss System is any different from all the other workout programs on the market—allow me just 2 minutes to share!
I am Holly Rigsby, and first & foremost, I’m a mom—a BUSY MOMjust like you. I’m in my 40s. I have two boys: Tyler, my Straight-A, baseball-playing 13-year-old; and Alexander, my super-energetic, Jake-The-Pirate-loving (this week) 4-year-old.
Holly and the boys
Like you, each and every day for me is a nonstop dance. Between taking Tyler to school, sporting practices, and games; watching after, chasing after, and entertaining Alexander; managing our household, shopping, prepping and cooking meals, and running my own small business; oh and carving out a small window of time to take care of me and spend time with my husband; there’s not much time to kick back and relax.
So, yes. I get it!
Something you may find surprising is that Fitness and being fit has not always been a part of my life. It was not until after the birth of Tyler; a divorce; and the cold, hard smack of reality that I even considered exercise, fitness, and being healthy. As I began searching for answers, I stumbled across not only the SOLUTION to getting better-body results but also something that has become my Passion!
Since 2004, I’ve coached over 21,508 moms to get become leaner, fitter, sexier, happier versions of themselves, first in one-on-one settings as a personal trainer in a gym, and then working with moms exclusively online with the launch of The Fit Yummy Mummy Fat Loss System the Fall of 2007.
I’ve been featured in Women’s Health, USA Today, MSN, CBS, ABC, and just about every other media outlet you can think of.
I’m not sharing any of that to impress you; I simply want you to know that as a mom, I understand, more than about any other fitness expert you‘ll find, what will work for you. What’s more is that over the past 9 years, it’s been my passion and my life’s work to teach, guide, and support moms just like you so you can get an even better body after having a baby.
And, in case you wondered, I practice what I preach…
Holly Preg and Post Picture
This workout system Changed My Body Forever—It Will Forever Change Yours, Too!

Get Better Body Results In The Time You Have
Listen, every mom KNOWS that if she had 36 hours in a day, of course she could take all the time needed to work out, take a yoga class, go for daily walks, and prep and cook healthy meals to achieve the body she wants.
But that’s not the reality.
You are the one shopping, prepping, cooking, and cleaning for everyone else, and many family members are not interested in following the latest fad diet.
You are the one running the kids to school and practices and lessons and play dates and appointments, along with everything else that must be completed on that never ending ‘TO-DO” list, so your time is extremely limited.
Plus, on top of all that, you just might have a “job” in addition to the fulltime job of being a mom.

This is just the way of a Busy Mom. She is responsible to do for and care for everyone else, putting herself and her needs last on the list.

That’s exactly why I knew I had to come up with a REAL fitness solution to help Busy Moms like you get better-body results by leveraging the time you DO have.
In fact, it took me several years of training and coaching busy moms, and it went well beyond the basics of exercise. I discovered how programs generalized the nutritional component, focusing on weight loss through calorie restriction rather than eating to positively change body composition and, even worse, perpetuating so-called “healthy-eating” myths.
What I found to be most surprising is that the majority of programs completely skipped the impact of lifestyle, self-care, and mindset habits, which is where the most profound changes begin!
I devoted hundreds of personal hours to research, test, tweak, and design what is now The Fit Yummy Mummy Fat Loss System.

But I was not finished there!

Call me a perfectionist, but I just care too deeply for the things I create, whether it be a meal, a drawing, or a workout plan. The finished product is a reflection of what matters most to me, and I do whatever I can to go above and beyond.
I took The Fit Yummy Mummy Fat Loss System a step further, for I then surveyed, interviewed, and collected the feedback from thousands of moms worldwide who had taken the time to go through and complete this program, and as a result, I recently updated the entire system to make it more effective than ever.
Yes, I have poured my heart and soul into crafting the ultimate fitness solution specifically for Busy Moms who want to look and feel their best, regardless of how hectic their lives are.

Bottom line: There is no other fitness program available that was specifically created for you by understanding your needs & wants: the time-crunched, overcommitted mom who wants (and absolutely deserves) to look and feel amazing!

It’s simply NOT…

possible to expect a program written by a man who practically lives at the gym to fit your needs and give you the results you want in the time you have.

It’s simply NOT…

realistic to spend your time on random acts of exercise, trying to piece together a workout based on the trendy moves posted on Pinterest in the hopes that maybe, just maybe, you might find the right combination.

It’s simply NOT…

an option to expend any more of your time or energy on long cardio sessions that ultimately lead to burn out, a slowed metabolism, and a soft body.

It’s simply NOT…

healthy to continue putting your body through extremes in the hopes that the harder and more pain it inflicts, the more effective it must be.

It’s SimplyTime For A Change

Thanks to the extraordinary results of the Busy Moms who’ve applied The Fit Yummy Mummy Fat Loss System to their lives, now you can get better-body results no matter how busy you are, no matter the age of your baby, no matter how long you’ve been putting off your own health and happiness.

The time for you to experience body-shaping success, feel amazing, and radiate with confidence is NOW!

And if you just so happen to decide that The Fit Yummy Mummy Fat Loss System is not for you, you’ll MISS OUT on finally having a program that truly speaks to you and understands and addresses the challenges and obstacles only a Busy Mom faces, along with all the amazing bonuses I am giving away absolutely FREE—unless you grab your copy of this truly transformative program today.

The Fit Yummy Mummy Fat Loss System is exclusively for Busy Moms.

no exceptions_resized
Of course, anyone else with a super-busy lifestyle could use this system and get great results, but I didn’t create it for them. I created it for you.
And that’s what separates The Fit Yummy Mummy Fat Loss System from the rest.
I specifically designed it to help Busy Moms face their biggest fat loss struggles head on and achieve incredible results in the process.
That means you can be completely confident that you don’t have to have perfectcircumstances to get results with this program. Every word, every exercise, every workout, every tip, and every strategy is specifically designed with your needs in mind to support you each step of the way to get you better body results.

Need more convincing?

I completely understand.
Throughout my years of coaching Busy Moms—both offline and online—it was rare to not meet some skepticism. But as soon as I connected my clients with other moms who were practically shouting their successes from the rooftops, that skeptical eye was quickly replaced with the white-hot spark of HOPE.
Please, take the next 5 minutes to meet real moms just like you and hear what they have to say about their experience with Fit Yummy Mummy.

Success Stories
















As you can clearly see, The Fit Yummy Mummy Fat Loss System works for moms from all walks of life, moms who are open to a new approach to getting better-body results after having a baby but are short on time to make it happen.
Like I mentioned early, this is a strategic system that incorporates more-advanced strategies including short-burst strength training, high-intensity interval training, simplified meal planning strategies, and motivational psychology in the most ideal combination to yield the best possible results—and results that LAST!
It is possible to reshape your body, boost your energy levels, and ignite your metabolism by doing short, 15-minute workouts just a few times a week.

Still, the truth remains: This system will require your full dedication and effort. Do not mistake doable with easy.

Nothing worth having comes quickly or easily. You will be required to step up and outside of your comfort zone.
However, it is a VERY SIMPLE system that you can follow in the comfort of your own home.
All you have to do is carve out 15 minutes a few times a week and have a couple dumbbells (many women start with 10-15 lbs.), a stability ball, and a mat on hand. That’s all you need to begin putting The Fit Yummy Mummy Fat Loss System to work for you!

I’ve synergistically combined specifically designed, short-burst strength training workouts with brief, fat-burning intervals to MAXIMIZE fat burn while cutting the time you actually have to spend working out to a bare minimum.

In fact, The Fit Yummy Mummy Fat Loss System will…
  • Burn fat 9 times faster than traditional cardio with brief 15-minute workouts
  • Master the technique of unexpected exercises that burn belly fat and tighten your natural corset 385x more effectively than traditional crunches
  • Supercharge your metabolism so you are burning pure body fat up to 38 hours after your workout is finished
  • Eliminate the #1 mistake 97% of people make when trying to lose fat (this one tip alone will give you an unfair advantage over everyone else)

In The Fit Yummy Mummy Fat Loss System, you will find I’ve combined EVERY proven method for getting maximum results in minimum time—from the order that you perform each specific exercise to the way that you combine foods at meals—to create a fat loss result exponentially greater than any one of them ever could do alone.
And I’ve done it specifically for you, the Busy Mom.
Everything about this system is strategically designed to work for you, no matter if you’re chasing a toddler around the house or shuttling a teen to and from sports practices. I’ve combined the right methods in the right sequence to get you incredible results in minimal time.
As you can clearly see, EACH and EVERY one of the hurdles that have held you back in the past are addressed in The Fit Yummy Mummy Fat Loss System so you can finally accelerate your fat loss like never before and get amazing better-body results!
Get Fit Stay Fit For Good
Unlike other weight loss methods you have tried with temporary or fleeting results, not only will The Fit Yummy Mummy Fat Loss System help you reshape your body, elevate your metabolism, and boost energy levels, but more importantly you can count on these results to last! Even better, as you progress, you discover new goals to set along the way, always striving to get better.
Virtually all other programs that promise super-fast results in just 14, 21 or even 30 days are all based around “weight loss tricks” since the scale is the focus of what is considered success. Many of these tricks only cause your body to lose water weight and, even worse, lean muscle.
Plus, these weight loss tricks do not cause true FAT burn and simply cannot target trouble spots or help to reshape your body.
Extreme diets that claim you must eat about 1000 calories a day will only destroy your metabolism and make your body worse at burning fat, resulting in that yo-yo effect where you gain back more weight than you lost in the first place.
Extreme workouts might help you lose some weight in the short term, but they are simply not sustainable for more than a few weeks once your energy is drained. This lands you right back to square one feeling burnt out and on the verge of giving up.

But with The Fit Yummy Mummy Fat Loss System, you can put an end to these cycles of failure once and for all.

You’ll never outgrow this proven formula for fat loss. In fact, after a few short yet challenging workouts, your metabolism will actually be faster than when you first started the program! An elevated metabolism will allow you to start seeing results, so with each successive workout, you’ll gain more and more momentum, looking forward to completing each and every workout and having fun in the process—and, Oh! the Time you are Saving!
Before you know it, you are looking back at a brand new body in the mirror, proud of YOU and the efforts you have made and filled with confidence that better-body results ARE possiblewhen you have the right system in place!

This is a proven, simple-to-follow Fat Loss System that will give you incredible and lasting results in just 15 minutes a workout.

Everything is mapped out for you inside the easy-to-use Fit Yummy Mummy Fat Loss System:
The Busy Mom Fat Loss System
Regular Price: $97
Today: $39.95
Let’s quickly recap what you’ve just uncovered:
checkmarkThis is the ONLY proven fat loss system specifically created for you, the Busy Mom, to get better-body results quickly and safely without restriction, suffering, or slowing down your metabolism.
checkmarkAll You Need is 15 Minutes! Learn how to do short-burst exercise to boost your metabolism and burn calories all day long—all from quick, 15-minute workouts.
checkmarkWork Out At Home—You don’t need expensive machines or gym memberships to burn fat, melt the mommy belly, or get a better body back; you can target your trouble spots all from the comfort of your own home.
checkmarkNo More Long, Boring Cardio! Find out exactly why cardio is an overrated waste of timethat doesn’t fit into a busy Mom’s schedule and why shorter, faster workouts get more results in less total workout time.
checkmarkIntervals: Your Cardio Short Cut—Experience the exercise method that beats cardio in every head-to-head study published in Medical Journals! The top fitness professionals are using this workout method, and so can you—right from home with no fancy equipment needed aside from your own bodyweight!
checkmarkGet More Energy! Unlock the secrets on how to get more physical and mental energy so you can be a Super Mom all day and all night—no matter how many things you have to do!
Never Settle For "This'll Do," there is ALWAYS Something Better
Don’t waste another day settling or feeling like a rundown version of the old you.
It’s not your fault that you’ve been misled by the infomercial scam artists, profit-focused health clubs, trendy fitness plans on social media, or male fitness experts, all of which give you programs that you couldn’t stick to even if you had 36 hours in a day.
Yes, you can have it all.
Getting Better than “this’ll do” is possible and so worth it!
You CAN get better-body results, but you need a PROVEN blueprint to guide you, support you, and help get you there.
The Fit Yummy Mummy Fat Loss System is that blueprint.
All you have to do is make a decision and be willing to put forth the effort to follow this simple, proven system for Busy Moms, and you will experience amazing body-shaping results!

How Is It Possible To GetAn Even Better Body Backfor ONLY $39.95?

Because I want you to be able to afford this System. Plain and simple.
Having two boys of my own, I know raising a family is expensive. And I know that this is one of the most important investments you can make: an investment in you.
The best investment you'll ever make is in yourself, you only have one body!
A fit and healthy body will benefit you forever. Fact is, you have only been given one body. It’s never too late to turn your life around and start on the journey of investing in your health and fitness.
So I want it to be an easy investment to make. For FAR less than a tank of gas, you can get a Fat Loss System that will finally allow you to look and feel like the best version of yourself.
And with the magic of the Internet, you get instant access to everything you need in one easy-to-use spot at this affordable price so you can get started right now.

No more unrealized wishes of fitting back into your
skinny jeans or being insecure or embarrassed
by your mommy belly.

You just need to be willing to try a new approach and put the effort into your 15-minute workouts each week to see a brand-NEW you every time you look in the mirror.

Today Only, You Can UPGRADE
Your Order for FREE To Receive
The DELUXE Fit Yummy Mummy Fat Loss System

The DELUXE Fit Yummy Mummy Fat Loss System

Instant digital download.

I am also doing something special to eliminate ANY risk or lingering skepticism you may have. I want you to feel completely confident in the Fit Yummy Mummy Fat Loss System, so ALL the risk is on me…
My personal 60 day guarantee
This means you can test out the 15-minute, fat-burning workouts, use the metabolism-boosting strategies, and start transforming your body with ZERO risk.
If, at any time in the next 60 days, you find you are not completely satisfied with your results from The Fit Yummy Mummy Fat Loss System, then all you have to do is send an email to stating so, and I will happily refund your entire investment. No questions asked or hoops to jump through; just a prompt and courteous refund (although I’ll be honest: most Busy Moms never even consider asking for a refund since their results are just so fantastic; plus, I already know yours are going to be just as amazing!).

Are You Ready?

To make absolutely sure that you get the better-body results that you were looking for when you invested in The Fit Yummy Mummy Fat Loss System, along with offering a substantial discount, I’ve also included 3 Incredible Free Bonuses to maximize your body-shaping experience so you have everything you need to ensure the best results possible…

Here’s What’s Included In The Complete
Fit Yummy Mummy Fat Loss Package
Along with all the 3 Free Bonuses I’m Including
to Get You Started Today

FYM Ebook Success Guide
The Fit Yummy Mummy Fat Loss System Success Guide
This NEWLY Updated Success Guide lays out every single detail of every day of the 16-Week Fit Yummy Mummy Fat Loss System, including the outline of your Fat Loss Strength workouts that have been specifically designed to get you maximum results in minimum time; all about Interval Training, which is your cardio shortcut; what to eat to boost your metabolism; how to eat to simplify meal prep and planning; motivational strategies for moms; FAQs; and so much more! (Value – $39.95)
Take a peek at some of the Fat Loss Tips and Strategies You’ll Learn When You Begin the Fit Yummy Mummy Fat Loss Today:
  • The TRUTH About Diets—Why you need to avoid crash, fad, restrictive celebrity diets that will only leave you tired, exhausted, hungry, and cranky.
  • Busy Mom’s Fat-Burning Foods—You’ll discover the best foods to eat for fat burning, physical and mental energy, and your family!
  • How to Make Sense of Supplements—Why you don’t need energy pills, diet pills, appetite-suppressants, or so-called “fat burners!” These are a waste of money and can do more harm than good. Instead, discover the 3 supplements you DO need to improve your health and create glowing skin and hair!
  • Create-a-Meal Menu Planner—This simple tool allows you to quickly and easily construct satisfying, energizing, fat-burning meals for you and your entire family.
  • Fit Yummy Mummy Exercise Photos & Descriptions—You’ll get 30 pages jam-packed with photos for each exercise PLUS workout charts with exercises, sets, reps, and every other detail!
  • Bonus 12 Weeks of Advanced Workouts—Avoid the possibility of ever hitting a plateau when you have access to a variety of challenging moves that will stimulate your metabolism to new heights!
  • My Top 7 Mindset Boosters—If your mind isn’t in the right place, you’ll spin your wheels like a hamster in a round wheel. These top 7 mindset boosters get you on the right track IMMEDIATELY, guaranteeing you’ll shape the body you’ve always dreamed of.
  • Why You Need to Ditch the Scale—Discover why your weight is the LEAST accurate way of measuring progress and 4 easy pieces of evidence to look for that indicate your body is changing for the better.
  • How to Set Goals the RIGHT Way—My “3-step-starting-point” allows you to maximize your results and produce all the motivation you’ll ever need—automatically!
  • The #1 Success Factor—Ever wonder why you’ve set goals in the past but gave up before you hit them? It’s because you’ve been missing this KEY ingredient…
7-Step Quick-Start Essentials
The Busy Mom’s 7-Step Quick-Start Essentials Program
To make it super simple for you to start NOW and prevent being overwhelmed, I have outlined the most important steps to take from the start. Follow these 7 habits for fast success. If you don’t have a minute to spare, start here to learn exactly what you need to do on a daily basis with these 7 body-shaping tips that will save you time and energy. These quick-start steps are as simple as it is going to get if you want to experience true and lasting changes in your body. (Value – $9.95)
Complete Video Library
Complete Video Library of All Exercises + 28 Weeks of Follow-Along Workout Videos with the Deluxe Upgrade
Avoid the confusion and frustration of reading exercise descriptions or trying to make sense of photos with my online workout videos. You can expect me to be right there beside you, coaching and encouraging you through every workout in the Fit Yummy Mummy patented Learn It – Do It sequence. You can count on me to explain how you can increase the workout intensity if needed or how to modify to meet any fitness level.
Learn It—Prior to the start of each follow-along strength training workout, I will demonstrate each exercise to make sure you know proper form and suggest modifications as needed.
Do It—Work out with me! I coach you through a full, 15-minute strength-based workout, giving you coaching tips along the way with the motivation to stay focused and finish strong.
With the Deluxe Upgrade, Your Complete Online Video Package Includes:
16 Weeks of The Fit Yummy Workout Videos, which includes the Introductory, Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced fat loss workouts.
12 Weeks of the BONUS Advanced Workout Videos that take the challenge of your FYM workouts to the next level, eliminating plateaus, increasing strength, and burning even more fat. That’s over 6 Months of Follow-Along Workout Videos!
(Value – $39.95)
Intervals Workshop Videos
Interval Training Workshop
Intervals are your Cardio Shortcut, but they sure cause a LOT of confusion. While your FYM Fat Loss Success Guide outlines suggested moves you can do for your intervals with sample workouts, this in-depth workshop video clears up the confusion, outlines mistakes to avoid, and demonstrates the 4 Key Strategies you must have in place to maximize your intervals workout experience to keep your body challenged, burning fat at an elevated rate, and melting away that mommy belly!
As a BONUS you will also receive a 60:60 MP3 soundtrack so you have the flexibility to use and create your own interval training workouts. (Value – $39.95)
Lunch Box Makeover Kit
Lunch Box Makeover Kit
This awesome handbook (created by my son Tyler and Me) provides you quick and healthy lunch box ideas made easy. Complete with lunch box meal plans and recipes.
As a child, Tyler KNOWS what kids like him will and won’t eat. He actually helped me create every single one of these lunch box meal plans and recipes and created them so your child will love them, too! (Value – $19.95)
Continuous Success Guide
Continuous Success Guide
This is your Fit Yummy Mummy recipe for a lifetime of results to help you feel confident as you continue to move forward no matter your goal. This manual will provide you with plateau-busting strategies, goal-setting guidance, and tips to keep you getting the results you want no matter how many times you recycle this system. (Value – $29.95)

And don’t forget!

When You Take Action Today, You Also Get
3 FREE Bonuses Below

($95 value)
3 FitYummyMummy Bonuses
Three FREE GIFTS When You Order Today
To accelerate your results and give you the incentive to start NOW, I will give you access to this Limited Time Offer Bonus Package.

Bonus #1: Deluxe VIDEO Upgrade

FYM Deluxe
The Deluxe VIDEO Upgrade package includes ALL full, 15-minute follow-along workout videos for each phase of the FYM Workout Program; that’s 28 weeks’ worth of workouts! To ensure that you get the coaching and motivation you need for every workout, this Deluxe Video Package Upgrade is included as a gift for getting started today. ($59 Value)

Bonus #2: Meal Plans For Moms

Meal Plans for Moms
What and How you Eat accounts for 75% of your results. I will help you Kick start your Body-Shaping Goals with 30 Days’ worth of done-for-you, easy-to-follow “Meal Plans For Moms.” This 30-Day Meal Plan Blueprint is designed to help you ramp up your fat loss progress and build momentum with super simple recipes and ready-to-go grocery shopping lists. My Gift to You! ($39 Value)

Bonus #3: UnZap Yourself Video

FYM UnZap Video
Achieving amazing body-shaping results takes more than just knowing how to do the right workouts and cleaning up your eating habits. It requires your Energy and Your Time, which are the Two Biggest Transformation Obstacles for Busy Moms. In the “UnZap Yourself” Video, I will teach you exactly how to tap into your endless sources of energy and how to effectively manage your time so you are able to get on the fast track to results. ($49 Value)

For taking action and getting started with The Fit Yummy Mummy Fat Loss System TODAY, I’m going to GIVE you all 3 of these incredible body shaping bonuses as a FREE gift.
Regular Price: $97
Today: $39.95
Instant digital download.

If You’re STILL On The Fence,
Please Consider THIS…

Still on the fence?
You may not like what I’m about to say, but it’s important nonetheless.
Here are the undeniable FACTS about being a mom. You rarely put yourself first. You’re always doing for others. Your wants and your needs all get shuffled around and moved to the backburner—if they ever get addressed at all.
While this selflessness is certainly courageous, it can go too far if you are not careful. In fact, it can negatively impact EVERY aspect of your life: a lack of energy, fluctuations in mood, low self-esteem, even weakened relationships.
You have to take care of you if you desire to continue to give of yourself in order to continue taking care of everyone else.
Not only do you deserve to look and feel your best, but you need to be the best version of you. That’s the only way that you can do everything that’s asked of you without getting beat down and exhausted.

The secret is….

You know you’ve heard this before: Put your own oxygen mask on first before you try to help someone else. If you don’t take care of YOU first, the quality of what you share with those you love will diminish.
Taking time for you isn’t selfish; it’s the best thing you can do for yourself and for others, and it reinforces you as a fantastic role model for your family.
I believe in you, but you have to believe in yourself by taking action now if you really want to achieve better-body results—results that make you proud—results that give you confidence and increase your self-esteem.
Time Will Pass
Time is going to pass regardless of your decision.
Think about how quickly your children have grown. Don’t put this opportunity off another second; take control over your body, fire up your metabolism, and get back into your favorite jeans—or you can just keep doing what you’ve always done and keep getting what you’ve always got.

But if you take action today, EVERYTHING in your life will change for the better.
You’ll wake up EVERY day with energy and enthusiasm, ready to take on your day.
Your body, your relationships, and most importantly the way you feel about yourself will improve in ways you can’t even imagine.

Just Click “Add to Cart” Below to Begin Today With the
Special Price of Just $39.95 …
PLUS All Your Free Bonuses

Regular Price: $97
Today: $39.95
Instant digital download.

Your Friend & Coach,
Holly and the boys
Holly Rigsby
Disclaimer: The FTC requires me to tell you what a “typical” result is. The truth is this: Most people never do anything with the products they buy, so most of the time, their typical results are zero. Your results will largely be determined by your ability to stick to and follow the Fit Yummy Mummy program. This is not a quick fix or gimmick. What you put into this program will determine what you get from it.

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